
Get Your Diesel Ready for Spring with Howes Diesel Defender

Spring is around the corner — is your diesel prepared? Watch our latest video to see how Howes Diesel Defender protects your engine as temperatures rise. Diesel Defender ensures your equipment runs at its best, from cleaning and lubricating your fuel system to boosting power and efficiency. Don’t let warm weather catch you off guard — gear up for a smooth season with Howes!


Tips Tricks 1

Remember to drain air-tanks and fuel water separators.

As the ambient air temperatures fall, the ability for water to condense in fuel tanks increases and can be carried into the filter/heater unit. During periods of extreme cold this should be done on a daily basis. The fuel filters are the only protection the engine has against contaminants in the fuel. A larger micron fuel filter should never be used to extend filter life or increase flow. It may void the warranty and can be damaging to the pump and/or the injectors.

Tips Tricks 2

Do not idle the trucks.

You will do more to COOL the engine by idling a truck coming off the road vs. shutting it off. (Engine temperature rises approx. 18 degrees when it is shut off.) Conversely, starting a cold truck and letting it idle is futile. If you need to warm a truck thats been sitting, get in it and drive it around the yard and exercise the truck once it has reached maximum oil-pressure. This will warm the engine, transmission, differential and suspension. Not to mention prevent running the risk of potential fines for idling for both the driver and the organization.


The Particulars of Your Diesel Particulate Filter

Improper maintenance of your vehicles’ Diesel Particulate Filter can lead to reduced fuel economy, loss of horsepower, increased regeneration, and even devastating engine damage. By extending the life of your Diesel Particulate Filter you can save yourself thousands of dollars in costly repairs.

What is a Diesel Particulate Filter?
Diesel exhaust fumes release Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) and Diesel Particle Matter (DPM), which are the two largest culprits contributing to atmospheric pollution. NOx and DPM are commonly known as soot. As exhaust gases flow through the Diesel Particulate Filter, it will trap, catch, and collect soot, reducing the amount of pollutant released into the atmosphere.

As a company driver I have no choice of what equipment I drive but…

fuel and additive are my choice. I can tell you from experience that your “Diesel Treat” makes the engine idle a lot smoother and seems to pull better. I will continue using your product because of these benefits.

Jim S.


  • Which Howes additive should I use in the winter?

    Howes Diesel Treat. It's a diesel conditioner with anti-gel and contains a cold flow improver designed to prevent gelling in winter.

  • Are your additives safe to use in biodiesel?

    Yes. Diesel Treat, Diesel Defender and Meaner Power Kleaner are effective in biodiesel blends up to B-20.

  • Why should I keep the stamps on the bottles?

    Reward stamps can be redeemed for Howes logo merchandise. Visit the promotions link for details.

  • What’s the difference between Meaner Power Kleaner and Diesel Treat?

    Diesel Treat contains a cold flow improver to prevent gelling in cold weather. Meaner Power Kleaner is a concentrated injector cleaner and lubricant designed for warmer weather.

  • Do Howes additives void engine manufacturer's warranties?

    Howes products are safe to use in any diesel engine, contain no alcohol or harmful solvents, are particulate filter friendly and will not void any engine manufacturer's warranty.

  • Are Howes additives safe to use in gasoline engines?

    Diesel Treat, Diesel Defender and Meaner Power Kleaner are specifically designed for diesel engines. We do not recommend them for use in gasoline engines. Howes Fuel Enhancer is a versatile, preventative maintenance product safe and effective to use in all diesel and gas applications. Gas Conditioner was discontinued in 2017.

  • Do Howes additives contain a cetane booster?

    No. Howes products naturally improve the combustion quality of diesel fuel eliminating the need for cetane boosters.

  • How do Howes products handle water?

    Howes additives are petroleum based. They displace or demulsify water rather than absorb or emulsify it. This is the method preferred by engine manufacturers.

  • Are Howes products compatible with other diesel additives?

    Howes diesel products are compatible with all diesel additives. However, unlike Howes products, some additives contain abrasive alcohol or harmful solvents that draw water into the fuel and through the fuel system, potentially causing damage. All Howes products are alcohol-free and push water out of the fuel, to be safely removed by the water separator. As such, mixing Howes products with alcohol-based products may cancel out some of the benefits gained by using Howes alone. Due to being 100% petroleum-based and containing no alcohol or harmful solvents, Howes products can be combined with each other to add or enhance their benefits. For best results, follow the treatment ratios listed on the Howes bottle and use only Howes products in your engine.